Member-only story
The Immigration Conundrum
By Rick Stiller
Donald Trump, his MAGA surrogates, and right-wing media have spouted an endless flurry of hateful lies and bombastic threats about immigrants since long before he announced his candidacy in 2015.
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief propagandist, said, “Tell the big lie often enough, and it becomes truth.” Our former president’s racist speeches draw their inspiration from the most vicious and sadistic visions authored by Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf.
At a rally in Aurora, Colorado, with no proof or statistical evidence, Trump claimed that “These are the worst criminals in the world…the most violent people on Earth. These are stone-cold killers. You could be walking down the street with your husband, you’ll both be dead.” Dehumanizing the “others” and spreading fear is the point of his violent and detestable monologues, and hate is the magic elixir that binds his MAGA disciples into his delusional nightmare.
After nine years of repeating the same disgusting fabrications and exaggerations, gullible followers are numb to the truth. He has normalized his racist rhetoric and justified cruelty, brutality, savagery, and carnage as reasonable. He does not discriminate between legal and undocumented migrants in his rants about “vermin” and “animals.” To his most ardent supporters, using the military to facilitate mass…