For All That’s Right and True
Finally! My new novel, For All That’s Right and True, the fifth in my Redemption Series will be available tomorrow!
My series is populated with flawed and damaged characters desperately in need of redemption, who find salvation in their dedication to rescuing our democracy from certain demise. Each of my fictional friends was content hiding in their safe little bubbles until they were drawn into a cause bigger than themselves, more vital than their self-indulgence, and more essential than their fears or arrogance.
The concept for this series started with the advent of the radical Tea Party in 2010. This radical faction discarded a tradition of bipartisan compromise and cooperation to shut down our government several times. That Heritage Foundation-sponsored faction evolved into the curse of Trump’s MAGA movement, which threatens civil war if he is defeated.
My story is based on the very real battle to vanquish the right-wing extremists’ determination to mount this final campaign to restrict the freedoms we expect and enjoy as a society by employing any means necessary to install a white “Christian” autocracy in place of our democracy.
My characters fight through each volume in the series to defend our legacy from being demolished by a tiny clique of wealthy white nationalists who intend to dismantle the federal government to eliminate taxes, regulations, and restrictions; rescind all rights and benefits granted to our citizens since the Civil War; and institute a nationalist theocracy that will dictate every aspect of our society…the laws that govern us, our right to make medical decisions about our own bodies, the education our children receive, the entertainment we enjoy, and our right to be who we want to be and love whoever we choose.
Although my stories are fiction, the first four novels predicted the horrifying events that have filled the headlines over the past five years and many more that are defined in the Republican playbook — Project 2025. Would that my newest story not continue that prophecy but, fearing it might, I encourage every voter to read my novels to grasp the tyrannical forces that will be unleashed if we are not brave enough to defend our future.
Fascist Republicans have foisted Mark Robinson, a black gubernatorial candidate in North Carolina, who prides himself as a porn-loving “Black Nazi” in favor of reinstating slavery so he can buy some for himself.
The Georgia State Election Board just passed a rule that requires every ballot to be counted by hand, which will take days, if not weeks, and local officials can decide not to certify those votes if they imagine any subterfuge. These maneuvers will negate the liberal and black vote in Fulton County (Atlanta), which could determine the outcome of statewide balloting.
If the self-inflicted chaos continues and Georgia does not submit their electoral votes by the national deadline on December 25th, Georgia’s tally will not be counted, which could eliminate 16 electoral votes for the Democratic presidential candidate and throw the entire election to Trump and his MAGA fascists.
Nebraska is one of two states that does not grant all their electoral votes to one candidate. Each district sends one representative for the candidate who won the most votes. Traditionally, all but one of their electoral votes have gone to the Republicans, while a single elector from Douglas County (Omaha) has gone to the Democrats.
Lindsey Graham, Senator from South Carolina, spent this week with the Nevada legislature to convince them to change their laws to make the election winner-take-all. One more electoral vote for Trump in an election that appears to be dead even could determine our future.
The gyrations and obstructions in my story demand each of my characters to overcome their failings to become who they were meant to be as they join together to fight to save our society from itself. The reality of the MAGA threat should prompt each of us to step up to follow their example by defending our democracy in what might be our last free and fair election.
These are page-turning, stay-up-all-night reads that will inspire you to get involved. I invite you to join the adventure!
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